Why You’re Not Making Time for Yourself (And How to Change That Today)

Making time for yourself can feel impossible in today's fast-paced world. But understanding why you struggle to prioritize yourself is the first step toward lasting change. `

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It's easy to get caught up in the busyness of life, feeling like there's no room left for anything else. This post will help you understand why making time for yourself is so challenging and offer practical tips on how to carve out that much-needed time.

I've been there, struggling to find a moment to enjoy "me time" in a demanding life of obligations and responsibilities. One day, I had an ah-huh moment when I realized: "I had time; I just needed to swap-out what I was giving my time to! "

In this post, you'll learn about the importance of taking time for yourself, how to create time even when you're busy, and the benefits of engaging in activities that truly pour back into you. You'll feel empowered to make small changes that lead to significant results by the end.

This post is all about making time for yourself and discovering how to prioritize activities that nourish you in a meaningful and lasting way.

Understanding Your Relationship with Time

Making time for yourself starts with understanding your relationship with time. Here are three common issues that might be holding you back:

1. You Don't Know How to Manage Your Time: 

Time management is crucial when it comes to finding moments for yourself. Without it, your days can feel chaotic and overwhelming. You may think you have no time for yourself, but with better time management tips, you can create pockets of time in your busy schedule.

2. You Don't Value Time:

If you don't value time, it's easy to let it slip through your fingers. This often results in spending hours on activities that don't add value to your life. AND NO MAM, WE ARE NOT DOING THAT! When you truly value time, you begin to see the importance of taking time for yourself and recognize the difference it can make in your overall well-being.

3. You Don't See Value in Making Time for Yourself:

Perhaps you struggle with feeling guilty or selfish for focusing on yourself. However, the benefits of taking time for yourself are immense, from reduced stress to increased happiness. Recognizing the value of self-care is essential to prioritizing it in your daily life.

Common Time Wasters and Their Impact

Let's take a closer look at where your time is going. Some common everyday activities that often consume more time than you realize include:

• Binge-watching TV:

It's easy to lose track of time when engrossed in a series, but these hours could be better spent on activities that rejuvenate you.

• On the Phone for Hours:

Long conversations or endless scrolling on social media may feel relaxing, but they often leave you feeling more drained than fulfilled.

• Scrolling on Social Media:

While it can be entertaining, excessive social media use rarely adds value to your life and can take away from time that could be better spent elsewhere.

Simple Ways to Make Time for Yourself Today

1. Time Blocking

Start by blocking off just 20-30 minutes each day. Consider this a non-negotiable appointment with yourself.

2. Morning Time & Night-Time Awareness

Waking up 30-45 minutes earlier or reducing screen time at night.

3. Change Mindset

Shifting your perspective, you’ll see that taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s essential.

4. Value Time

Start valuing your time, even when it’s limited.

Everlasting Activities That Pour Into You

To make time for yourself in a way that truly benefits you, focus on activities that offer lasting value:

• Journaling:

Writing out your thoughts can be incredibly therapeutic, helping you process emotions and gain clarity. Journaling is an everlasting activity that pours back into you, removing weight off your shoulders and helping you grow.

• Reading a Book or Listening to an Audible:

These activities can expand your mind and provide new perspectives while giving you a break from the digital world.

• Listening to Personal Development Podcasts:

Choose podcasts that inspire and uplift you rather than those that are toxic to your mindset.

• Going for a Walk:

Physical activity, even a simple walk, can refresh your mind and body, helping you feel more centered and balanced.

This post was all about making time for yourself and understanding the importance of engaging in activities that truly pour back into you. By focusing on everlasting activities, you're not just filling time—you're investing in your well-being and creating a harmonized and fulfilling life.

The Author

Liz G

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