Why Spending Time with Yourself Is Important

Keep reading for the top 5 reasons why spending time with yourself is important, plus the best biblical example of how this can change your life for good.

Have you recently felt overwhelmed, overly stressed, tired, or irritated at everyone and everything? Have you begun to lose interest in the things you love to do, or does life feel like it’s been moving too fast? If your answer is “Yes” to one or more of the above, then it is very likely that you need to start spending some more time alone.

When I intentionally make time to spend it with myself, I feel more replenished and rejuvenated, whether that’s me taking time to go for a walk or planning a staycation at a hotel downtown. Either way, time alone is vital.

This blog article is about why spending time with yourself is important and how it can have a positive impact on your life.

5 Key Reasons Why Spending Time with Yourself Is Important

In modern-day society, we are always busy, especially those of us who are mothers, daughters, sisters, employers, employees, breadwinners, caretakers, and so on.

Sometimes, we could even be all these things at the same time! And so finding time to be alone can seem like a luxury we can’t afford.

However, we must learn that spending time with ourselves isn’t just lovely; it is essential for our well-being and personal growth. Here are 5 compelling reasons why you should spend more time with yourself.

1. You Gain a Closer Connection with Self.

Spending time alone allows you to learn to love your own company. It is the perfect opportunity to get to know your authentic self. You better understand your thoughts, feelings, personality, and aspirations without the noise of the outside world.

This introspection will foster a more vital understanding and connection with yourself, leading to better self-awareness and authenticity.

2. You Get an Opportunity to Spend Time with God

Alone time is the perfect sacred time to connect with God. Whether through prayer, worship, meditation or simply basking in appreciation for the beautiful things around you, alone time can be a much-needed way to deepen your spiritual life.

It also offers you the best space to seek comfort, guidance, and discernment from God, who gives us what we cannot obtain through our limited human means.

3. You Experience the Benefits of Single Season

You can also consider alone time as the time you spend being single. Your single seasons of life will always give you a unique opportunity to focus on self-discovery and betterment without the distraction of catering to a partner’s needs.

When you’re single and stay single (without actively seeking out a partner), you get to know yourself before a relationship, as well as your desires, interests, and passions.

This “learning experience” is crucial because it ensures that when you enter a relationship, it’s healthy, balanced, and enriching for both parties.

4. You Learn Your Likes and Dislikes

Sometimes, you must spend time alone to explore new interests and revisit old ones. Humans are naturally curious and enjoy experimenting, especially without judgment or external input.

 Alone time allows you to do this and, in the process, discover what you truly like and what you don’t.

From food to literature, outdoor hobbies, self-care activities, and much more, exploring and experimenting on your own will help you enrich your life with activities you genuinely love and enjoy.

5. You Show Up in the World Better

When you’re at peace with yourself and clearly understand who you are, it reflects in every aspect of your life.

You’ll find yourself interacting with others more authentically, contributing more effectively to your work, and navigating challenges with resilience.

In essence, by spending time alone to know and understand yourself, you equip yourself to shine bright and make a positive impact in the world around you.

A Biblical Example in Jesus

In the scriptures, we see the perfect example of the benefits of solitude in Jesus himself. In Matthew 14:23, Mark 6:46-47, and John 6:15, we see Jesus withdrawing from the crowds and even his closest disciples to seek the quietness and solitude of the mountains.

In these moments alone, Jesus thought it best to pray and communicate with His Heavenly Father. Jesus shows us the perfect example of how to spend quality time with yourself in meaningful reflection and spiritual enlightenment.

You might wonder, is spending time alone good for you? The answer to these questions lies in Jesus’ example as well. In Luke 6:12, we see him separate himself for an entire night in prayer to God.

Jesus constantly spent time alone with God to realign with himself and his purpose, continuously intercede for the people around him (his relationships), and replenish his spiritual strength to face the challenges that arose throughout his ministry.

Jesus’s example teaches us why spending time with yourself is important, especially when rooted in prayer and reflection, because it is not only beneficial but essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life.

This blog article was about why spending time with yourself is important and how it’s essential for a meaningful and fulfilling life. 

The Author

Liz G

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