13 Relaxation Techniques For Stress Relief

When you find yourself worrying due to a difficult situation that has arisen in your life, it is best to know what relaxation techniques for stress are most beneficial for you ahead of time. Below are relaxation techniques to help you get through your day-to-day while overcoming stress and worry.

Relaxation Techniques for stress

First, to know how to overcome what you are feeling exactly, let's identify what stress is. Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

Ways to relieve stress is knowing what relaxes you. Relaxation is a process that decreases the stress effects on your mind and body.

During the past few years, it has taken me a few practices to confirm which techniques are best for me. There are many relaxation techniques to consider; it is best to know them beforehand to have them when needed.

This post is about identifying the best relaxation techniques for stress that benefit you and your needs.

Easy Relaxation Techniques for Stress

1. Take a walk

Walking is therapeutic and can relieve tension from the body if you are in a rut or have a lot of thoughts on your mind. It always helps to go outside and walk. You can walk around your neighborhood or down your street and back. This stress relief method is really soothing. 

Even at your place of employment, how to reduce stress at work, can be as simple as stepping away for a walk outside. I used to do this at my place of employment; when it was time for a break, I would walk around the parking lot's perimeter. You can be intentional with this relaxation technique 2-3 times out of the week.

2. Keep a journal

A journal is a phenomenal tool to have. When you are worrying or have multiple thoughts that are keeping you bound, write them out. Getting our thoughts on paper relieves stress. You can start it off by stating “I feel …” or “Lord help me to…”. Whatever you are feeling tension from mentally, get it out on paper.

Sometimes, once you write it out, you begin to receive answers or what Oprah calls “Aha moments” that reveal insight. In this relaxation technique, you find answers and healing when writing things out.

3. Stretch your body

Stretching! Stretching! Stretching! Believe it or not, study shows stretching can help relieve body tension and stabilize your mood. Stretches are relaxation techniques you can do in the comfort of your home, even as simple as your bed.

4. Listening to nature sounds

 Listening to the sounds of nature can be so relaxing. You can engage in this by doing your intentional walks, sitting in your local park, or incorporating this as one of your relaxation techniques for sleep.

There are many apps and outlets that you can go to for nature sound to hear as you go to sleep; there is a mobile app called Rain Rain, or you can go to YouTube and type inRelaxing nature sounds.”

5. Listening to instrumental Music

Listening to Instrumental music is a way to relax during times of stress, not just any instrumental music, but worship instrumental. DappyTKeys is my for-sure go-to that I listen to when I am doing work or want to sit and journal.  

He has 1.06 million subscribers on YouTube and his instrumental videos can last up to 3-8 hours. Listening to DappyTKeys can also be one of your relaxation techniques for sleep.

6. Pray through it

There are many scriptures in the bible that speak about anxiety and worry. Select a scripture that resonates with you, meditate on that word, and pray over the problem. Doing this invites a sense of peace into your situation, resulting in stress reduction. Spending time in prayer is always vital.

7. Grounding yourself

Grounding refers to the contact with the earth. Grounding may be one of the easy relaxation techniques for stress. To do this, you must be barefoot, making physical contact with the earth by grass, soil, sand, or dirt; yep, walking barefoot outside! You can do this by simply walking barefoot in your front or backyard.

This definitely sounds unusual but think about when you are at the beach walking on sand; it’s one of the best feelings in the world right! Connecting with God and his unique creation is one of the best feelings. 

8. Get a Spa Massage

If you are anything like I was, you resonate spa with luxury or expensive services. However, that is not the case; you can get a 50-minute to 60-minute massage as low as $50 -$75 at some spas. If you are stressed, allow yourself to add this to your life routine regularly. 

Receiving a body massage is an effective relaxation technique for stress. A great massage can relieve body tension and stabilize your mood. Find local spas with excellent reviews in your area today!

9. Prioritize Quiet Time

When you feel stressed, intentionally prioritizing quiet time for yourself is highly beneficial; this allows you to rationalize your thoughts in peace. Have you identified all the solutions to your problem? Is what you are worrying about out of your control?

If you don’t have the capacity to rationalize what you are feeling, prioritizing a quiet space to dwell in for a moment is still needed. Disconnecting from chaos can help you relax from stress in general.

10. Identify Activities

Identify activities that bring you joy, but most importantly, identify and implement stress relief activities that make you feel more relaxed.

These activities can be outdoors or indoors, consisting of hiking, biking, walking, exercising, cleaning, cooking, or baking. Even though these are action activities, doing some of them relaxes your mind and calms you down. Identify YOUR activity.

11. Nature

Spending time in nature is getting closer to the one who created it all. Time outdoors helps you to be present in the moment, from the sounds of the winds to hearing the birds chirp. However, the environment is everything. 

Pick a nice aesthetic location for you to take in everything. That may be the neighborhood next to yours or the next city over at their local park or walking trail. Be intentional with your selection, making sure it appeases to your liking for a relaxing vibe.

12. Verbal Release

It always helps to talk with someone, whether a licensed therapist or a close friend you consider to be of wise counsel. Verbally expressing what you are going through can help calm the internal tension you are feeling.

13. Be kind to yourself

Positive talk! No matter the stress and challenges you may face, all the relaxation techniques above are effective, but most importantly, remember to be kind to yourself while coping through. Remain positive and feed yourself positive words and statements.

This Post was about 13 easy relaxation techniques for stress that can benefit you during stressful times.

The Author

Liz G

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