The importance of asking yourself: “Am I mentally exhausted?”

Self-awareness is about self-reflection and asking the right questions at the right time, such as, “Am I mentally exhausted?” Knowing when to STOP, REFLECT, and ASK is vital to your well-being. Asking the right questions for yourself can be liberating and provide needed breakthroughs!

Knowing when you are feeling drained mentally and emotionally is very important. However, identifying the reasons is even more critical. With everything, there is a reaction like the cause & effect analogy. There is a reason why mental exhaustion may creep in, but understanding the source will free you.

Being mentally exhausted is a source of your emotions being in uproar. Mentally exhausted symptoms consist of burnout; a chronic state of physical and emotional depletion that results from excessive work or personal demands or continuous stress.

If you are anything like me, journaling is a part of your time to reflect. Journaling while I have so many emotions helps me get clarity and reveal the source. Identifying the source and reason need to be your goal.

To Identify the lead source causing you to be mentally exhausted, you also need to be aware of the signs indicating that you are. After learning about all the symptoms and signs, you will be your own personal expert at overcoming feeling mentally and emotionally drained.

This Blog Article is all about asking the right questions for your well-being, such as, "Am I mentally exhausted?" -- Understanding the causes of mental exhaustion and overcoming it.

Signs of Mental Exhaustion: 

There are many signs of being mentally exhausted. Typically, the signs are wrapped in your emotions and mood. Some signs are:

  • You do not want to do anything (A sense of dread)
  • You do not have the capacity for much (Linger)
  • You Feel a level of burnout (Overwhelmed)
  • You do not feel like being bothered (Irritable)
  • You do not feel like talking to anyone (detached)
  • You feel overwhelmed with thoughts (Anxiety)
  • You feel emotionally depleted (A sense of depression)

These signs and moods are due to the cause of something you are experiencing. As stated, numerous times in this blog article, identify the cause and get to the source: asking, “Why am I mentally exhausted?”

4 Causes of Mental Exhaustion to Examine:

1. Space

Examine your space. You will be surprised to learn how much your environmental space plays a part in your everyday life and well-being. The places and spaces around you can cause you to be mentally exhausted.

For example, in your home, you may be unable to have personal time because you are consumed with pouring into everyone rather than yourself. Our personal environmental space is everything! Find and create space for your peace and for you to rest.

2. Occupation

Examine if it’s your job. One environmental space that consumes most of your life and time is your job. Trust me! I know how jobs can be. Whatever workload or new projects may have arisen could be a factor in your mental exhaustion and irritability.

Not only that, but when you’re working a job you don't like, it can cause you to feel physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. Ask yourself, Am I physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted regarding my job?

3. People

Examine the people around you. Sad to say, but sometimes it could be the people close to us that have us exhausted and drained. It could be your spouse, children, or close friends.

Whether you and your spouse continue to get into arguments, or maybe you feel with your children, you are missing out on personal “me time” with yourself. Or even worse, you have a friend who is always complaining and negative.

The people around us can definitely play a role in our well-being. Be vigilant and take preventive measures.

4. Simply Unsatisfied

Examine if it’s just life, LIFE’ing right now. Sometimes, it could be that you are mentally exhausted with everything. Sometimes, you can’t even identify what it is; you are just mentally drained and exhausted.

Trust me; it happens when you have so much on your plate and are always on the go. If you don’t check in or make time for yourself, that overwhelmed will Kick in. Slow down and add YOU to your routines.

How to Overcome Mental Exhaustion

Understand that you matter. Your cup needs to be full to pour into people, places, and things in your life. The steps to overcome mental exhaustion are the exact steps you should incorporate regularly to avoid burnout and exhaustion. Some of these practices consist of:

Resting. Take time to make relaxing a part of your routine. Find a day, space, and time to do little or nothing; consider this your “you-time.” However, you choose to spend it. Make sure it’s relaxing and rejuvenating to you!

Check out this Blog Article: 13 Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief

Disconnect. Disconnect when needed. Take a step back from all the noise around you—your phone, social media, etc. Disconnecting from the noise and the everyday chaos around you creates an atmosphere for you to be more refreshed with yourself. Disconnecting from external outlets should also be a habit in your life; this is a form of nourishing yourself.

Verbal Release. It always helps to talk with someone, whether a licensed therapist or a close friend you consider to be of wise counsel. Verbal expressing what you are going through can help calm your internal tension. Once you start incorporating nourishing activities for your well-being- exhaustion and burnout can be limited.

This Blog Article was all about identifying the signs of mental exhaustion and nourishing activities that can help you combat it. You must first be self-aware to ask the right question: “Am I mentally exhausted?”

The Author

Liz G

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